New Social Order
Abstract— As the world heaves with birthing pains, new alliances have led to new trade routes for economic stability, opened up by the BRICS alliance, a new economic trade system, while governments choose globalization over sovereignty, and resource wars rage.
This is a governance problem, yet there is a glaring omission that relates to the impacts upon the people, under which every issue faced by both the governance and the people, stems from the debt-base we have inherited, which if not addressed, will change nothing, so this White Paper, offers a needs-based solution to this dilemma.
This New Social Order is purposed to lead society toward a more just and fair reality, where freedom, equality, safety, security, stability and peace can be enjoyed, using a new philosophy, foundation and goal to build societal strength, and positively impact the lives and livelihoods of all people.
This needs-based solution will provide solace for all nations and all people, and drive a global economic boom, unrestricted, while removing the impact of political decisions that undermine national sovereignty and impact the people adversely.
Under these parameters, the transition to this new social order can show immediate impact, with new needs-based housing and trading systems already built for those purposes stated, ending the conditions for the weaponization of the debts and greed of the west which will continue to play out until the systems that deny equality and unity are disrupted and dismantled.
What is offered here, is a social choice between Head and Heart, with the debt-based path said to lead to the destruction of mankind and all living things, and the needs-based path, where people from all over the world are said to come together as one, to rebuild the planet and heal.
This abstract is about what is happening, what has already happened, and what can happen, and from those facts, a real choice for what sort of a future world mankind wants to be represented, is in the throes of playing out.
This paper is penned to provide proof that the adoption of this needs-based approach over the current debt-based model, can be, and already is, of substantial benefit to mankind, mentally, physically, and socially.
Index Terms— Freedom and Equality, Manaian Way Philosophy, Needs-Based, Unity and Inclusion,
The Manaian Way is the conclusion to a spiritual journey into a New World philosophy that was developed in 2012 by Glenn Phelan to protect the people and the planet through a goal to make the basic human needs of housing, electricity, telecoms, transport, and a basic amount of food and water free.
This tall order led to the creation of a list of beneficial products that this new social order would produce, which over time, became defined as freedom, equality, safety, security, stability and peace.
For any of this to be enacted, the old form of authority would need to be changed, and a new set of systems and tools would have to be specifically designed to deliver this reality, and nothing but this reality.
For 11 years, Glenn worked diligently with spirit, testing the systems of man until the complexity fell away, and simplicity sat up as they completed their work and reached the top of the mountain.
Looking back down from whence they came, the poverty, hardship, slavery, starvation, homelessness, greed, manipulation, corruption, debt and war that was once front and center, was now fading into obscurity.
As Glenn stood atop the mountain, the new form of authority he was looking for appeared, showing Mankind replacing God as the Supreme ruler over man’s laws, making governments, corporations and the elites responsible for their actions to the whole of humanity.
Glenn has created simplicity where complexity once stood, leaving plenty of space to interlink more new systems and tools that strengthen this new social order.
Supporting Facts
Fact: the current world order and every issue mankind faces today, and, in the past, all stem from the debt-base foundation and goal of the systems our forefathers created many hundreds of years ago.
Fact: mankind patterns the same systems over and over again through lifetimes, perpetuated by our education and legal systems which restrict growth.
Fact: human nature stems from our conditioning through our upbringing, social environment and education, which is based on the debt-based social structure which has been inherited from Europe.
Fact: when we change the social structure through new system outcomes and education, our human nature will change in-line with whatever the foundation and goal of the new social order is.
Fact: the breakdown of family values, family violence, child abuse, mental health, crime, secrets, murder and lies, are products of the old society, and these will change or cease to exist.
Fact: Plato made a point where governance over the many has a good side he called Polity which worked for the good of the people, as opposed to Democracy which worked for the good of self.
Supporting this fact: The US deposing governments to get a greater share of the country’s resources by creating and arming wars while their economies slide and the cost-of-living soars.
Fact: systems that purposely reduce the cost of living can have a beneficial effect on the people, businesses and governments.
Fact: the Manaian Way is new, not a copy of a copy, and its influence has come through a life that has worked with the system but has not been a part of it.
Why its Mankind’s time to rule
Throughout human history, mankind has used the pyramid structure for its authority, taught to us from our conception which goes back to the Emerald Tablets, from which was copied from there.
Humanity has tried Chiefs, Kings, Generals, Presidents and Prime Ministers to rule after their absence, where we left space for them as Gods under which has been seen as the Supreme Beings who rule over all.
After many wars and mankind finally reaching the breakthrough point of evolution, where human awareness is expanding, a new form of authority can be trialed, designed specifically to coincide with Mars leaving our orbit.
Without this comprehension, the shape of the new ruling order will be nonsensical, and its meaning would be cast aside, however, for the purposes of Unity, equality and inclusion, the new form of authority for the world of man shall come in the shape of a Circle.
This shape ensures that all people are standing as One, where no one is more important than another, and as such, the global order will be automated for the benefit of all and be leaderless, so it is unable to be changed by any political body or lobbyists willing to hurt humanity for their own personal gain.
From a legal standpoint then, MANKIND replaces GʘD as the supreme being, under which all governments, corporations, court justices, families, and individuals will be responsible too, and all laws whether altered or not shall dissolve any privileges that go against the will of mankind.
Courtrooms will apply this change, all of the people will know this change, and all courtroom decisions and political decisions will require justification under mankind.
Only the corrupt would oppose this.
Becoming a parent
Whether mankind is a new species or not, we have come through our adolescence and have reached the point of parenthood, where we are no longer below our parents, but have become one ourselves.
We are the father of AI and Robotics, which have been created to do the work for us and as such, and as new parents we have reached a point where the only thing we can copy parenting skills from, are the systems that we have perpetuated throughout time, whether they are good for us or not.
Mankind’s systems are debt-based, and our thinking and studies and our human nature is tainted by this unless we believe the world is great and we want it to stay as it is, so there is nothing to worry about.
Unless we are careful, the programmers that come from a debt-base are likely to use this baby for personal gain rather that the greater good, where we could end up with a wayward son who is placed in a position that can cripple or end mankind, and that may be a concern.
Industry regulators do not speak or act for mankind, yet the guidelines for this child to grow is not clear and in this present, they say it is like the wild west where anything goes.
Just like the US patterning from that time period, mankind must decide the rules for this child so it and us can achieve both growth with a framework for the developers and protection for mankind and the planet.
Using a Needs Based foundation
Because everything mankind currently thinks is debt-based, there is no reference to a needs-based alternative unless without being aware and understanding the philosophy that led to its creation.
With the introduction of AI and Robots taking over specific tasks and jobs, and millions of workers being phased out of the workplace, debt-based thinking gives us three choices, get a new job, steal, or claim benefits simply because we need money to survive in the debt-based world.
Even in the knowing that the basic needs to exist still remains, the Manaian Way is able to tackle this problem with new systems and tools that make those basic needs free.
Should humanity choose freedom, equality, safety, security, stability and peace, then the foundation of these products would provide a new line of thinking that would cross reference what is programmed and understood.
Needs-based systems are designed to allow an individual and family to survive without money, for the purpose of preventing poverty and hardship from occurring, especially now humanity is being phased out for robotics and AI.
Needs-based systems ensure that the basic needs of housing, electricity, telecoms, transport, and a basic amount of food and water are freely available to all.
The change comes from mankind’s refocus off money to free basic needs, which will even underwrite the new trading system that has been built specifically because of this reason.
The Manaian Way provides for systems integration which all impact each other in a global ecosystem that resolves geopolitical disputes for the benefit of stability and peace.
The installation of this outcome means that for a basic existence, money becomes secondary, and people will have a greater life expectancy and no longer require money to survive, even though this system does have a new money system and monetary guidelines.
This leads to a new housing system designed to reduce the cost of housing until housing becomes free for the majority of people, leaving those with their billion-dollar mansions to stay in the old system.
For safety and security, the new housing system supports and benefits everyone using it, using depreciation to mitigate the inflation caused through the debt-based order.
Humanities priority changes when the basic needs becomes the most valuable thing in society, something our native forefathers understood, and rather than being called up for national service and war, people will be called up for natures service, to restore forests and waterways and land eroded by mismanagement as we focused only on the money and the power.
In the game of life, humanity has awakened to the deep-state agendas to lead mankind to the abyss, fueling wars and destroying people’s lives.
Supported by mainstream media, the veil that was pulled over our eyes was torn apart by social media who reported truths that did not fit the mainstream narrative.
The deep state masterminds fuel conflicts by causing division to overthrow governments not in line with their globalist agendas, and they create enemies to be portrayed as evil which must be destroyed, and when enough people agree, they have their mandate to go to war.
The United States has used sanctions, tariffs, embargos and fines to make countries do what the US wants, and these countries have now risen up with a retaliatory response by creating their own monetary system and trade arrangements for which more and more countries are joining.
BRICS has changed how countries and corporations do their cross-border trade, and this will not be reversed, because this is a system based on fairness.
Weaponizing the US dollar has now backfired on the US, and trust in their currency is at an all-time low, with countries selling their US treasuries by the billions which is impacting US commercial property, houses, crypto, the stock market and the minerals markets which is now looking like the perfect storm, for a global depression for those holding to the US hegemony, in which wars and a reset appears the only option.
The US created 100% of the global debt and now holds 41% and it is growing as the bonds return from whence, they were created.
It is important to understand the paths and patterns of history, and unresolved tensions that continue to play out, before we can see the pathways that each lead mankind toward different outcomes, different futures that are not based on debt.
The Manaian Way, now 12 years old, is interested in these global chess moves; however, its game is sitting idle, waiting for players to get sick of the old game, and play something new.
How global chess is playing out and what the people need, are two distinctly different mindsets, for which nobody has concentrated upon until Glenn Phelan, the architect of the Manaian Way, struggled to find the door where a bridge appeared which could separate one reality from the other, as they worked together as one.
Separating the needs-base from the debt-base realities
The deep states version of democracy is a Polity which serves itself as defined by Plato in 345BC, removing any good for the love of the people for which a Democracy is supposed to be.
In the debt-based world, wealth is tied to the ground, of which humanity is said to own just 1%, but in a needs-based world, wealth is being able to enjoy your basic needs for free.
To this point, all new systems based on needs must stay separate from those based on debt, and this moves the context to ownership and financial systems that bind everything, or do they?
Owning nothing and being happy has not worked out so well for humanity at this point in our history, even when our country is not at war, so without affecting what already is, some clever new systems based on the existing rules and regulations must be designed.
To designate ‘theirs and ours’ refers to theirs being debt-based, and our being needs based, which will have to run conjunctly, while keeping the separation we need for the greatest impact.
A People’s Currency
People flocked to Bitcoin, as it was touted as a people’s currency, however Bitcoin will never be humanities currency simply because of the energy it uses and time it takes for miners to complete one transaction.
Every currency we use today is debt-based, including Bitcoin, which either deflates by percentages year after year, or it increases or decreases on market sentiment.
A debt-base perpetuates separation and inequality, poverty and financial gain, earned or lost through businesses, cryptos and shares, and depreciating central bank digital currency (CBDC’s) and fiat currencies, where mankind has 200+ currencies to bet on.
To turn this around, the needs-based currency must be inclusive and trustworthy, it must be able to end poverty and hardship using those 200+ reasons to behave as a tool to benefit mankind and make the needs of housing, electricity, telecoms, transport, food and water, become systematically free.
For this currency to be successful, it should be both decentralized and fixed, and unable to be weaponized by any powers to be, upon which stability for all can be created.
The most relevant example we can look at, is actually operating successfully in China, and what they did was split their currency 1 for 1 so they could introduce their new electronic CBDC, and this so happens to be exactly what humanity needs but based on needs rather than debt.
They call these the Yaun and the Renminbi which use the same cash and coin for both.
Karmic Credits is a version of the Renminbi, but in a needs-based form, which would also use the same cash and coin pegged 1 to 1 in any country.
What this does, is creates the same name in England, Russia, Australia etc. where the Karmic credit by name at least creates the beginning point of a common currency, which we can use in every country or place we go.
So, what makes Karmic credits (Kc) needs based?
Karmic credits is a pay-it-forward system, unique as a monetary system because this currency is regenerative, which means that money is born and dies.
Karmic credits already exist
in app form which can be used by phone or computer peer to peer.
Accounts are opened via a phone number, and each account comes preloaded with 275,000.00Kc, that do not have to be repaid.
Accounts are capped at 6-digits, which means accounts can only get to 999,999.99Kc, before the excess is deleted and returns to the Guff.
The electronic system has no fees, charges, or interest and periodic payment and loan facilities are not available.
It operates as a simple plus and minus accounting system and does not require the complexity of blockchains technologies that include spyware, mining features, and programs for control.
In its current form, Karmic credits cannot be taxed or surveilled, as it only holds the last 3 transactions which are coded, deleting all history previous to that.
Each transaction takes seconds and doesn’t bog down computers with stores of files, and hackers are less likely to damage a system they can’t profit from because accounts are free.
Poverty and hardship end when accounts are preloaded and housing and food can be paid for, so now we can simply give a person a phone and attach the Karmic credit app to solve this problem.
Housing humanity
The current debt-based housing model has become so complex that no one is able to fix any of the issues preferring to set their sights on one part of the problem only rather than come up with an actual solution that solves everything at once.
Guardianship is a new housing system designed to reduce the cost of housing until housing becomes free for the majority of people, which includes helping property owners, renters, investors and society inclusively.
Those in the old housing sector do not understand why the system is set up the way it is, nor do they look at the basis of the problem which has affected everything, and without this understanding, a model like Guardianship will receive no comprehension.
The new model stemmed from an eagle’s view of property law, contract law, tenancy laws, and social needs, where we found that there was a space left for Guardianship to enter.
This space was found in the separation between owners and occupiers, where there are many legal versions ranging from ownership, owning and renting, selling the ownership of a house without selling the land, using licenses, leases, and site fees, under which has many examples including freehold, leasehold, retirement village, caravan park, and unit complexes, all of which are done differently but do the same thing.
The Guardianship Housing System
The Guardianship Housing System is the latest version where the space to separate owner and occupier is done using a co-ownership agreement known as a Guardian Right.
In co-ownership, there must be distinct shares, and in the case of Guardianship, Land is designated as 1 share of the property, and the Fixtures, the appurtenances left with the land, is designated as the 2nd share.
The Guardian Right covers the fixtures of a property (house, sheds, pool, fences, and driveway) is contracted to be a share of the property, but one which is not recognized on a property title.
The Guardian Right is also a depreciating asset which reduces by 10% per annum calculated monthly, and this means that the value and sale price is predetermined, under agreement.
These shares include Call Options set 10 years apart which gives the Land holder the right to buy the Guardian Right at particular points in time at the price fixed by the depreciation schedule.
The purpose of this system is to create a pathway to reduce the cost of housing, which it does by firstly removing the cost of the land and then depreciating this until it carries no value.
Together with Karmic credits and responsible governments, Guardianship also ensures that freedom, equality, safety, security, stability, and peace is not a pipe dream.
Guardians are responsible for all of the fixtures, overgrown vegetation and the water rates.
Guardian Right Benefits
The Guardian Right is based on the use of the property, and as such opens the door to vacant land, derelict and flood affected/ uninsurable property to become useful again under a Guardian Right agreement which is set up on an existing property, while its main purpose is to reduce the cost of housing.
Just because housing reduces, it doesn’t mean that the whole property value will, which benefits the landholder. By setting up and selling a Guardian Right over one’s property, property owners can cash in to settle debts, or provide family members with a way of buying part of the property in retirement etc.
Tenants requiring housing benefit because they can buy the home and do not have the cost of the land, with further benefits being the length of stay, 10 years compared to 6 months, the right to sublet, and when you leave, you sell and get paid, which we compare to renting without the added benefits or extended tenancy term.
The longer the property stays in the system, the cheaper the Guardian Right becomes, and this can be used to advantage by governments, collectives, and families who can hold property and pass these benefits to family members or the public depending on what each group’s purpose is.
Investing in a Guardian to buy a reducing Guardian Right, should carry risk, however due to two factors in a Guardian Right that no other investment has, such as a fixed price (needs-base) and market rent (debt-base) allows investors to calculate to mitigate all risks.
As an added bonus, a Guardian right debt can be transferred to a new owner, should a Guardian being unable to pay.
Guardian Right Registry
The Guardian Right Registry works similarly to the titles office, purposed specifically to register the latest co-owner details which form a set of records and legal trail is created as to the value, and the next available call option date.
The registry also acts as a reminder service, informing parties about an impending call option period, and serves as a platform to sell a property share, and it serves to refresh owners and new owners to the terms and conditions that bind the house and land together and which are passed from one owner to the next.
Beginning with the abstract to offer for a new social order, this paper offered many relevant ideas and practical systems and tools, that combine through the Manaian Way philosophy to provide freedom, equality, safety, security, stability, and peace, to solve the cost-of-living dilemma.
The facts of how mankind governs to how the cost of living is reduced, and why poverty and hardship can end through tools that build expansion rather than restriction have been provided.
The new systems and tools have recently passed the current ASIC regulations in their current form, and now it is being made public so it can be discussed and scrutinized.
While this is happening new needs-based food, energy and environmental systems are being worked on.
Thank you.
[1] Glenn C Phelan “The Business of Tomorrow – A world without cost-of-living issues, poverty or debt, a world based on needs.” Book on Amazon, Aug 2023.
[2] Glenn Phelan “Guardianship – the affordable housing solution – and the Manaian Way.” Wellington archives, New Zealand, May 2012.