A New Earth
The Manaian Way
Welcome to The Manaian Way,
A Social Model built to Protect Mankind and the Planet and produce Freedom, Equality, Safety, Security, Stability and Peace.
Set-up to be controlled by the People, the New Earth as defined by the Manaian philosophy, is dedicated to remove the cost of living over the basic human needs for the benefit and elevation of mankind.
The Manaian way a blueprint for Mankind, enabling Unity an Inclusion where we may come together as One, to rebuild the world and heal.
Not only is this a spiritual path, but a business model which provides new systems and tools to provide mankind with the products of freedom, equality, safety, security, stability and peace, by default.
​What sets the Manaian Way apart from everything else going on in our World and our lives today, is that it is Needs Based, which provides mankind with an alternative to the Debt-Based world in which we live.
Join Jenny and Glenn in their quest to explain the depths of this spiritual reality, and journey through a philosophical transformation that leads into the practical applications of new business systems that lead us into the world of tomorrow.
Explore the spiritual aspects and financial pathways that lead to the removal of costs over mankind's basic needs of housing, electricity, telecoms, fuel, food and water.

Our Mission
"we cannot solve a problem with the same type of thinking that created it"
For Jenny: Self-empowerment and the dissolving of blocks and patterns that hold us back, is the most important things we can do for ourselves.
For Glenn: It is the confines of the debt-based systems we follow which create our human nature, and the most important thing is therefore, is to change human nature by building new systems and tools where the actions of the collective will be beneficial to all.
Our mission is to provide mankind with an opportunity to shift realities in real time with practical living systems deigned to raise the vibration of mankind as we drop the fears of not making ends meet, and begin to trust in humanity again.
Yes, we are attacking this problem from both ends as we ​open to a deeper understanding of the existential questions of how individuals and our current reality operate and why society produces such separation and conflict, where we have come to the point where we offer simple and practical personal and global solutions designed to dissolve the blocks and patterns of Mankind to give everyone what we truly need.
Humanity is living in the time when prophecy suggested that mankind would reach a crossroad where we would choose between two paths: One which would lead to the destruction of mankind and all living things: and the Other, where people from all over the world would come together as One to rebuild the planet and heal.
The new kid in town
A cosmic vocation, heavenly god
This ravel on earth, still fights like a dog.
The spiritual guidance falls on deaf ears.
Their money their systems, most living with fears
Oh, heavenly father, bring suffering to an end.
Be with them and guide them, please be their friend.
For they are killing their mother, our nature is in peril.
In greed and in hunger, many souls are now feral.
The underworld is calling, our god of fertility.
Osiris has come, but he has not come willingly.
He comes at this time, when humanity has choice.
He comes at this time, to give humanity a voice.
He has drawn on his sword, to protect all and to say.
That the way of the future, is the Manaian Way.
Being called to the mountain, one man heard its words.
Who was sent on a quest, to free speak its verbs.
Of the filth who incarcerate, and who make unfair laws.
And to do right in action, against many with floors
He will seed what is needed, fertilized with the truth.
From much deceptive information, he became our sleuth.
The information undeniable, he leaves nothing out.
He has come to lead humanity, to lead them all out.
No more wars will be needed, all will be on one side.
There can be no opposition, and nothing to hide.
Secret societies, corporations, does this challenge their power?
Indeed it is true, it’s because their power will sour.
And so, laws will be changed, and God will be dethroned.
It is Mankind who must rule, whose responsibility is shown.
From our once tyrannous authority, and their power toy plays.
Now responsible to all, to protect people and planet, only this way.
We must restore our connection, to the sea and the land.
And to the air that we breathe, and the animals and,
Our resources and our environment, and all that does matter.
For all must have dignity, so make this your chatter.
Oh, cosmic vocation, oh heavenly space.
Thank you for assistance, as the bringer of grace.
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