Below him or Elohim is said to be the word of God, a God who has had many names on many continents and who came to and resided upon earth for over 1500 years, bringing forth metallurgy, wisdom and punishment.
Unknown to many, we have always been the creators, however we have replaced God with Authorities whom we sit "below", and it is time to use our inherent wisdom to rebuild the world in the best image we can, as those in authority have not.
Evidence suggests that when we stand together as one, there is nothing we cannot achieve, and this includes systems and tools that ensure one united family can indeed build a society based on freedom, equality, safety, security, stability and peace.
The effort and actions each of us to take can be immediate if we choose it so, as the systems and tools already exist for our leap onto this New Earth for which we dream.
More than mere reform, holding the foundation of what has not worked for centuries to continue is not of what I speak.
It is not the shedding of the old skin that the new emerges only to carry out the same duties as before, but we are speaking of the extinction of the species to allow a new species to emerge.
Again, this is not DNA to MRNA for what I speak, but a shift in consciousness where the old is revealed for all it is, and the new tentatively places its feet upon a new path where the practices of old cannot be rooted and grow.
Do you know of what I speak?
